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Dr Jiang, Organizational Innovation, U.S.
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$366 billion is spent annually on leadership development but only 10 to 15 percent of leaders who get training establish permanent change. Experience our dialogic method to accomplish sustained change smarter, faster.
A meaningful dialogue with people from all over the world.
What is Dialogic Drinks (DD)? It's the kind of deep discussion you have in a coffee shop or at a cocktail party. There is no demand to find a solution to a problem. Insights and learnings emerge from participating in the discussion with people from all over the world.

Navigating Complexity by Sonja Blignaut.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the ways of thinking, learning, leading and doing that has brought humanity to this point in history will not take us to a sustainable future. The challenges we face, from obesity to climate change, to mental health and loneliness epidemics, AI and new ways of working all require us to be increasingly ...

Engineering Suffering Out Of Organisations by Antony Malmo
A massive experiment is underway in Australia that could shape the world of work for years to come. The aim is to improve workplace mental health by adapting the methodology of physical health and safety to manage psychosocial risks.....

Future-Ready Leadership by Dr Richard Claydon.
We once thought leaders were born not made. Great men of peculiar genius, indomitable will and inspirational character transforming the world into new shapes and forms. And maybe, when societies were simple, that was a reasonable assumption. But...
Food for thought
You are curious about human interaction, how we think, and organisational behaviour to advance your personal and professional development.
Engage with real people
You are over online learning that only delivers content that never offers the opportunity to network and deeply engage with other participants.
Make sense of complexity
You’re seeking meaningful dialogues with like-spirited individuals who are trying to make sense of a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world.
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