πŸ“Pin Cher Dialogic Drinks EQ Lab

Developing Future-Ready Leadership by Dr Richard Claydon.


We once thought leaders were born not made.

Great men of peculiar genius, indomitable will and inspirational character transforming the world into new shapes and forms.

And maybe, when societies were simple, that was a reasonable assumption.

But, with industrialisation, societies began to become more complicated. For a while, leadership fell out of fashion to be replaced by hard ideas about science and management. But it rebounded with a bang in the 1950s.

Since then, we’ve been following some pretty specific assumptions about how to develop leaders through achievement psychology and competency frameworks, positive psychology and core values, and transformational and authentic leadership styles.

But today’s societies are no longer industrial and complicated. They are digital and complex. These ideas about leadership are no longer fit for purpose.

What is?

In this DD, we’ll explore a few possible ways to develop such future-ready leadership.

  • We’ll look at leadership through four lenses - position, person, process and results
  • We’ll examine deep patterns of leadership that have worked throughout space and time
  • We’ll explore how you might develop future-ready leadership BOTH in taught interventions AND during everyday experience


Dr Richard Claydon is the co-founder of EQ Lab, and the designer of the Future of Leadership module at Macquarie Business School’s Global MBA Program (ranked #6 globally by CEO Magazine).

He was awarded the highest achievable marks for a Ph.D in behavioural science. A Harvard Top-200 Management expert and business columnists for the Guardian newspaper have described this research as “a touchstone for the future work in management and organisation”, “outstanding in daring imagination” and “at the forefront of modern discussion and debate.”

Richard is a tier one tennis player, have coached tennis professionally, and also designed the tactics creator for the multi award-winning and world-leading management simulation, Football Manager.


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